2012. február 7., kedd

European Minorities’ Assiociation

Please read the Articles of the European Minorities Association,

 especially the purposes of the Association, and

give your opinion and suggestions.

 This would be a great help to us.

The Association is formed by natural persons and legal entities.

Membership is open to any natural persons and legal entities

that support the purposes of the Association.

Please join us!

Budapest, 13 August 2012               
                                                            Kálmán Hencsei

Blog:    Hungarian version  


European Minorities Association

The founders to these Articles of Association wish to form an organization
in accordance with the provisions of Act CLXXV of the 2011 Hungarian Law
concerning the right of public meeting.

                                          I. DATA OF THE ASSOCIATION

1          Name of the Association:  European Minorities Association
                            Hungarian name:  Európai Kisebbségben Élő Népek Egyesülete
                                    Abbreviation:   “Eurominorities
                hereinafter referred to as   “the Association”.

Headquarters of the Association in
Hungary are located at Király utca 9, Budapest.
The Association may also open other administrative and operational offices, both in
Hungary and abroad, by decision taken by a simple majority of the Board.

2. §
The Association operates as a court registered legal entity.
The Chairman of the Board has the right to represent the Association.

 3.§ Purposes of the Association

 Representation and implementation of the interests of peoples of European minority.
The Association proposes to act as an advocate for their rights in the struggle for the independence, autonomy, and self-determination of European minorities
in all fields possible, by all legal means at the competent national and
international forums.

Activities to achieve the purposes of the Association:

3.1.  Studying one another’s culture, minority situations, problems and achievements

Organisation of lectures, consultative panels, domestic and foreign trips for exchanging experience, and training courses that contribute to the improvement of the minority peoples’ situation and promote self-determination

Monitoring and continuously keeping track of political and living conditions
of minority peoples

3.4.Immediate and reliable information collection, analysis, and the setting up of a concerted plan of action and/or immediate
common action in case of any grievance

Common representation of interests, common actions with the competent international authorities and with the government of the majority nation

Assistance and support one another in the case of any grievances, in order to broaden minority rights and autonomy in all fields possible, by all legal means

Searching and applying new philosophies, methods and means, making studies
on how to prevent grievances and how to promote the broadening of the rights and
autonomy of minority peoples

Establishing the European Minorities Alliance through the organizing activity of the members of the Association

Shaping public awareness and the political culture of European minority peoples
through the media

Liaising with partner associations of similar concern.

Professional Cooperation
The Association seeks relationships and maintains close relationships with
partner associations and organisations of similar concern. It has a cooperation agreement with these organisations.
Within this agreement, if necessary, we express our standpoint to the related authorities on subjects of common interest. In addition, we can organise campaigns and make appearances
in the media

. Individual purposes within the Association:
Each ethnic minority may work out its own particular purposes and means that do not conflict the common purposes.

3.13. The public benefit activities of the Association:
3. scientific activities, research;
4. education and instruction, development of skills, dissemination of general knowledge;
5. cultural activities;
6. preservation of cultural heritage;
7. protection of monuments;
9. protection of the environment;
11. promoting equal opportunities for groups in a disadvantageous social position;
12. protection of human and civil rights;
13. activities related to national and ethnic minorities in
Hungary and to Hungarians living beyond the borders;
18. promotion of training and employment for those having a disadvantageous position in the labour force market, and related services;
19. Promotion of Euro Atlantic  integration ;

3.14. The Association has the right to exercise, in Hungary or abroad, alone or in collaboration with third parties or indirectly, all activities related directly or indirectly to its purposes. 

3.15. The Association is formed for an unlimited term.

4.§ Membership

4.1. The Association is formed by natural persons and legal entities. Membership is
open to any natural persons and legal entities that support the purposes of the Association. Membership is granted after completion and receipt of a membership application
and annual dues. All memberships shall be granted upon a majority vote of the Board.

4.2. Regular members:
Basic condition of association membership is acceptance of the Articles of Association
and the settlement of the membership fee. 

 4.3.Honorary members: The natural persons and the legal entities elected
by majority vote of the Board. 

4..4. Patron members: Natural persons and legal entities admitted by majority vote
of the Board who agree with the purposes of the Association and who support
their implementation or help with their activities related to particular schemes. 

4.5. The decisions of the Board on honorary ad patron members are approved
of by the next following meeting of the General Meeting. 

5.§ Rights and obligations of  members

5.1.Rights and obligations of regular members 

Members of the Association hold equal rights and are entitled to:
- participate in the activity of the Association.,
- take part in the General Meeting where they hold advisory and voting rights,
entitling them to present motions on agenda and scope of topics, as well as
participate in the decision-making process,
- make comments and suggestions and express opinions concerning
the operation of the bodies of the Association,
- initiate disputes on and representation of certain professional matters,
- make suggestions on the organisational structure and operation of the Association,
- receive information and data compiled by the Association,
- appoint a candidate who has a right to be elected to the Board of the Association
and/or to the Board of Supervisors in standing and ad hoc committees,
- participate in the election of members to the aforesaid bodies,
- inspect the records of the Association,
- request information on the activity of the Association.

5.2.Members of the Association are obliged to:
- facilitate the successful operation of the Association,
- act in accordance with the articles, regulations and resolutions of the Association,
- fulfil the regular data disclosure requirements on deadline,
- protect the secrets of the Association,
- act in accordance with the resolutions of the Statutory Board for the members,
- pay the membership fee determined by the General Body or, in the case of
interim admission during the year, pay a percentage of the fee in a timely manner. 

Rights and obligations of honorary members:

5.3.The honorary member is entitled to:
- participate in the work of the Association and its bodies in an advisory
  capacity proposing rights.
- making proposals on discussions and representation of professional matters,
- indicate the title of honorary membership on official documents,
- nominate a candidate to standing and ad hoc committees and
(if natural entity) take part in their work.

5.4.The honorary member is obliged to:
- act in accordance with the obligations of the regular members
with the exception of paying the membership fee.

Rights and obligations of patron members

5.5.The patron member is entitled to:
- participate in the work of particular bodies of the Association in a consultative
 and advisory capacity,
- make suggestions on discussions and representation of professional matters.
- indicate the title of patron membership on official documents,
- nominate candidates to standing and ad hoc committees or
(if natural person) participate in their work.

5.6.The patron member is obliged to:
- observe the obligations of regular members.

6.§  End of Membership

6.1.The membership of any member of the Association shall terminate :
- upon the death, incapacity or insolvency of an individual;
- upon voluntary or forced dissolution or liquidation of a legal person or association;
- by resignation;
- upon suspension or expulsion.

6.2 .Members may resign from the Association by notifying the Board in writing.
 The resignation will take effect upon receipt of the notification by the Association.

6.3. A member deemed to cause damage to the interests of the Association
may be suspended or expelled by the Board.
In the case of expulsion, the member shall have a right of appeal
before a meeting of the General Body.

A suspended member shall not be entitled to vote, to attend meetings of the Association,
or otherwise to participate in the activities of the Association during the suspension period.

7.§  Membership fees

7.1.Members shall pay membership fees to the Association set by the General Meeting.
      The Board determines the terms and method of payment.

7.2 Membership is only effective upon receipt of the membership fee.
      In case the Board has the right to make exception to this obligation.

8.§ . Personal liability
No member, officer, or member of the Board of this Association shall be personally
liable for the debts or obligations of this Association of any nature whatsoever,
nor shall any of the property of the member, officer, or member of the Board
be subject to the payment of debts or obligations of belonging to this Association.


 Organs of the Association are:
the General Meeting
the Board
the Audit Committee

Officials of the Association:
- Chairman
- Vice- Chairman
- Honorary Chairman
- Secretary/Treasurer
 -Member of the Board
- External Auditor
- Audit Committee Member

9.§ General Meeting

Composition and Powers

The General Meeting shall consist of all the members of the Association.
All members have one vote.
The General Meeting shall have the following powers :
- the modification of these Articles of Association;
- the decision to dissolve the Association;
- the election and revocation of the Board;
- the approval of the Association's budgets, accounts and annual report.
Each member shall have the right, by means of a letter sent by regular mail,
electronic mail or any other medium
of written communication, to be represented
at the General Meeting by a proxy-holder, who must be a member of the Association.
A proxy-holder shall never represent more than two other members.

10.§ Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the General Meeting

10.1 The General Meeting meets, at least once a year in Budapest upon an invitation
specifying the place, date and agenda sent by the Chairman of the Board or
his/her deputy at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance.
The General Meeting will
- receive the report on the activities of the Association during the past year;
- approve the accounts for the past year and approve the budget and
the membership fees
for the following year;
- modify the Articles of Association;
- decide upon the dissolution of the Association.

10.2 An extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Chairman
of the Board whenever required by the interests of the Association or upon request
of at least one-third (1/3) of the members. Notice of meetings shall be served
at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance.
The extraordinary meeting may:
- modify the Articles of Association and/or
- decide upon the dissolution of the Association.

10.3 The General Meeting shall be presided over by the Chairman of the Board or,
in the absence of the Chairman, by the Vice-Chairman or  by the Member delegated
by the Chairman.

10.4 The minutes of the General Meeting shall be signed by the person presiding
over the Meeting  and kept in a separate file at the Association's registered office,
at the disposal of the members.


11.§ Board

11.1 The Board has three (3) Members.
The Members of the Board are nominated and elected by members of Association
for five (5) years.

11.2. The General Meeting may decide to remove the Chairman. Such a decision
requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present or represented.

11.3. The Board elects a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from among
the Members of Board.

11.4. The Chairman or the Vice-Chairman convenes meetings of the Board.
Except in the case of an emergency, notice of meetings shall be served
at least four (4) calendar days in advance. The minutes of the Board Meeting
shall be signed by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman and kept in a separate
file at the Association's registered office, at the disposal of the members.
The Chairman shall preside over all Board Meetings, appoint committee
members and perform other duties associated with the office.

 11.5. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman
  in the case of the Chairman’s absence.

11.6. The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the Board, keep
all approved minutes in a minute file and send out copies of minutes as needed.

11.7. The Treasurer shall keep record of the organization’s budget and
prepare financial reports as needed.

11.9. The maximum term of office for Board Members shall be three (3) years.
Members of the Board may be re-elected.

12.§  Powers of the Board

The Board shall have all powers necessary to pursue the
purposes of the Association
and to complete all management actions, with the exception of the powers reserved
by law or by the General Meeting as stipulated in these Articles.

13.§ Representation of the Association

The Chairman of the Board has the right to represent the Association,
but he may transfer this right  to competent members of the Association.

14.§ Committees

14.1 The Board will appoint a Membership Committee for particular activities

that support directly or indirectly the purposes of the Association. 

14.2 The Board determines the terms of reference and powers of the committees
it appoints. Committees report to the Board on their activities by means of a letter
sent by regular mail, electronic mail or any other medium
of written communication.

15.§ External Auditor

15.1 The Board appoints the external auditor.

15.2 The mandate of the external auditor may not exceed two (2) years. It may be
renewed. The Board determines the fee, if any, to be paid to the external auditor.

16.§   Budget and Accounts

16.1 The association’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
On 31 December of every year, the books and accounts of the Association
shall be closed.  At the end of each financial year, the Board draws up the annual
accounts and reports for the year ended and establishes the budget
for the following financial year in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

16.2. The annual accounts are submitted to the General Meeting for approval.

16.3 The accounts of the Association shall be audited by the external auditor
if it is necessary.

16.4. Income of the Association:
- membership fees;
- specific contributions, provided these are given with the understanding
that they will in no way influence the independence of the Association;
- revenues from Association activities and tenders.

The Association is entitled to carry out entrepreneurial activities
that do not
jeopardize the Association’s public benefit goals.

VI. Decisions
17.§ Ordinary Decisions

17.1. Resolutions approved by the General Meeting shall be validly adopted
if they obtain the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and
represented, and only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Articles
of the Association. Each member has one vote. Another member may represent
a member unable to attend the meeting
. A member may not, however, represent
 more than two (2) other members. In the case of a tie, the chairman
of the meeting has the casting vote. Abstentions are not counted.

17.2 .The Board may only validly decide and adjudicate if at least half of
its members are presented or represented. Decisions of the Board are taken
by a simple majority of the Members' votes cast. Each Member of the Board
has one vote. Another Member of the Board may represent a Member who is
unable to attend the meeting. A Member of the Board may not, however, represent
more than two (2) other Members. In the case of a tie, the chairman of the meeting
has the casting vote. Abstentions are not counted.

17.3. Decisions of the General Meeting and of the Board are binding
on all the members of the Association.

18.§ Amendments to the Articles of Association 

18.1. The General Meeting shall validly deliberate on amendments to the Articles
of Association only if the object of such amendments is mentioned explicitly
in the call to General Meeting and if one half (1/2) of the members are present
or represented at the General Meeting. Any amendment shall require
a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes. Abstentions are not counted.

18.2. If less than one half (1/2) of the members are present or represented
at the first General Meeting, the Board shall have the right to call a second
General Meeting within three (3) weeks of the date of the first General Meeting,
which shall validly deliberate whatever the number of the members present
or represented.

19.§ Dissolution

19.1. The Association may be dissolved by a decision of the General Meeting
where more than three-quarters (3/4) of the members present vote in favour.

19.2. If at a first General Meeting less than half of the members are present
or represented, then the Board may convene a second General Meeting
within three (3) weeks of the first General Meeting which shall validly deliberate
whatever the number of members present or represented.

19.3. If the Association is dissolved, the assembly shall appoint a liquidator
and determine its powers.

19.4. The General Meeting decides on the distribution of the net assets.

                                                        VII. Sundry Provisions
20.§  Internal Rules

The General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Board, may adopt some
Internal Rules, compatible with the provisions of these Articles of Association,
so as to ensure the smooth running and administration of the Association.
They are binding on all members, provided that at least two-thirds (2/3) of
the votes cast are in favour. Abstentions are not counted.

21.§  For the issues not covered by the present Articles of Association

the all time effective regulations of the Hungarian Civil Code, the provisions
of Act
IV of Hungarian Law, 1959 ,  and  the provisions of Act CLXXV
of Hungarian Law, 2011
on the Right of Association and
on non-profit organizations shall apply.

 23.§ Authentic language version
In the case of disputes, the Hungarian version of the Articles of Association
is the authentic text.

The founders certify that they will execute the Articles of the European Minorities Association for the purposes herein stated.
The General Meeting accepted the Articles of the Association on dd mm 2012.

Budapest, dd mm 2012

                                               Keeper of minutes        Chairman of Board

The list of founders of the Association are enclosed.

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